Mindfield® eSense
The Mindfield® eSense Skin Response is a small sensor to measure your skin
conductance using two electrodes and the microphone input of your smartphone
or tablet (Android or Apple iOS.)
Your skin conductance depends directly on your state of relaxation or
stress, making it a commonly used and very precise stress indicator. With
the eSense Skin Response, you can precisely identify your stress level and
reduce it with biofeedback training.
A free app is included to display your skin conductance in multiple ways.
You can export the measured data via e-mail.
Skin Response / Skin Conductance
Skin response, also known as galvanic skin response (GSR), electrodermal
response (EDR) or skin conductance (SC) is a method for measuring the skin's
electrical conductance, which varies with its moisture level. Conductance is
measured in µSiemens (µS) and is the inverse of electrical resistance.
The eSense Skin Response measures skin conductance between two Velcro
electrodes attached to two adjacent fingers. Active measurement involves
applying a very low, unnoticeable voltage to the fingers.
Using the eSense Skin Response
It's easy!
- After buying the eSense Skin Response, please download our free app from
the App Store (Apple) or Google Play (Android). You can download and try the
app without the sensor. (The app will deliver meaningless values in this
- Connect the electrodes to the pads of your middle and index fingers.
- Connect the eSense Skin Response to the microphone input of your device.
- Start the App, read the included training instructions and start using
your eSense! To get the most precise measurement, work at a relatively
constant ambient temperature, breathe calmly (not too deep) and do not move
the hand with the electrodes too much.
- Have fun!
- P.S. You can order more electrodes here, but they will last a while with
normal usage.
Which devices are supported?
- Apple® iPhone® (3GS and higher)
- Apple® iPad® (first generation and higher)
- Apple® iPod touch® (fourth generation and higher)
- Android Smartphones and Tablets (Version 2.3 or higher)
Delivery includes:
- Mindfield® eSense Skin Response Sensor
- 2 Velcro®-Electrodes
- Free App by Mindfield® on the App Store or Google Play
- Detailed instructions for effective biofeedback training.
Training instructions are also available in PDF format
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