Kidde QRAn imaginative and fun experiential stress management program, which is designed for children ages 3 plus through 9. The Kiddie QR is a life long skill for healthy control over the childs own thoughts, emotions, feelings, and physical reactions to distress. This skill carries over to family and peer interactions, to all areas of school performance, achievement, socialization, and self-esteem.
What Do Children Learn? Prevention and healing. With eyes open, children learn the six-second QR Reflex by meeting My Friend QR and the 16 Healthy Body Friends. These little Body Friends are fun and safe metaphors for the complex protective physiologic self-regulatory mechanisms (healthy body machinery listed below) that reinforce an important life skill of prevention and healing. My Friend QR becomes the guiding coach with each companion Body Friend on the CDs. These 16 Elements build upon the awareness of the cues and clues of physical distress and show how to reverse the discomfort. Children learn to have a feeling of emotional and physical control using the KQR exercises as they:
The program contains two audio CDs for children with 16 stories in unique, safe, grounded adventures with visualization exercises. Guided imagery of 4 to 8 minutes in length and in age appropriate language and graphics depicting the KQR Body Friends, as a shared game for visual reinforcement. The five booklets include: A 50 page Adult Guide Booklet, designed for the home, classroom, and clinical use. Four Individual Booklets containing specific information for adults about objectives, physiological considerations and teaching suggestions. Transcripts of the 16 Elements for the children, which are on the audio CDs.