
SA9310M ProComp Temperature Sensor

Thought Technology ProComp Temperature…


SA9311M ProComp Respiration Sensor

Thought Technology ProComp Respiration…


SA9308M ProComp BVP Sensor

Thought Technology ProComp BVP Sensor….



T7680 EEG-Z3

Thought Technology: EEG-Z3..


T9305Z ProComp Sensor EEG-Z

Thought Technology ProComp Sensor EEG-Z …


T9305M ProComp Sensor EEG

Thought Technology ProComp Sensor EEG…



ProComp Sensor EKG

A pre-amplified electrocardiograph sensor, for directly measuring heart electrical activity.


Polar SA9330

Detects the heart rate of a user from the Polar belt


EKG Wrist Straps

Provide convenient placement of electrodes for measuring EKG from the wrists.




It monitors skin impedance and sensor connection. Signal Input Range 0 – 2000 µV.


ProComp Myoscan-Pro EMG Sensor

A pre-amplified electromyography sensor used with the ProComp…


SA9503M Myoscan EMG Sensor

A pre-amplified surface electromyography sensor used with the ProComp



TP-60: C2+12 Electrode cable

3 1.5mm jacks for TP leads/standard EEG electrodes.


MC-5D: C2+12 ECG/HRV Gel

free wrist-to-wrist electrodes, bands, and cables kit.


MC-6SY: C2+12 Temperature/EDR cable

Cable with temp sensor and finger electrodes.




