CD, Audio, Video
CD: We created this 2-part guided imagery audio with noted cardiothoracic surgeon Mehmet Oz at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, to accelerate healing, reduce pain and depression and motivate exercise and healthy new habits, while cultivating optimism and patience with the recovery process. (88 min.)
CD: We created this 2-part guided imagery audio with noted cardiothoracic surgeon Mehmet Oz at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, to accelerate healing, reduce pain and depression and motivate exercise and healthy new habits, while cultivating optimism and patience with the recovery process. (88 min.)

CD: The mind and its images has a profound effect upon the experience of pain. A football player doesnt feel his broken ribs until after the game. A frightened child feels much more pain from an injection. You can learn to shift your awareness and diminish the pain signals reaching your brain.
CD: The mind and its images has a profound effect upon the experience of pain. A football player doesnt feel his broken ribs until after the game. A frightened child feels much more pain from an injection. You can learn to shift your awareness and diminish the pain signals reaching your brain.

CD: Thoughts, emotions and stress have a major effect on nearly all types of hypertension. Powerful, drug-free methods use the energy of your mind to help return your blood pressure to normal. Includes several different deep relaxation/guided imagery experiences to help guide you in: a) reducing tension, b) discovering the triggers of blood pressure elevation, c) inactivating those triggers and d) enjoying your new, higher level of health. Some people may be able, through the use of these methods, to lower their pressure without the use of medication. Others may still need antihypertensive medication, but smaller amounts (and fewer side effects!)
CD: Thoughts, emotions and stress have a major effect on nearly all types of hypertension. Powerful, drug-free methods use the energy of your mind to help return your blood pressure to normal. Includes several different deep relaxation/guided imagery experiences to help guide you in: a) reducing tension, b) discovering the triggers of blood pressure elevation, c) inactivating those triggers and d) enjoying your new, higher level of health. Some people may be able, through the use of these methods, to lower their pressure without the use of medication. Others may still need antihypertensive medication, but smaller amounts (and fewer side effects!)

FOCUSED MIND STATE CDs: This unique program teaches you how to get in touch with your “calm intensity” and maximize your psychological and emotional performance. Dozens of powerful techniques which combine the newest mind technologies with ancient wisdom, will teach you: how to free yourself from mental dullness, the power of mindfulness, renewed commitment to goals, manage the outer demands of your environment and the inner elements of high stress and emotion and acquire greater flexibility of attention.

CD: Many people find this beautiful experience perfect for any illness or imbalancephysical, mental or emotional. “This was the first recording I ever made in a real studio. It features the inimitable music of Raphael, a symphony written specifically to enhance the imagery, featuring the world renowned artists listed below. The imagery is based on that Raphael and I had developed during the previous five years at Esalen institute. The first recording of its kind, ever, it still ranks as a masterpiece.” Guided by Dr. Millers voice at its beguiling best, let yourself relax deeply in a safe place, contact and gently awaken your inner healer and guide the healing energy to the part of you that thirsts for it. Side 2, Breathing Music, presents a lovely musical tapestry, a harmonious symphony of virtuoso musicians, including Raphael, Shawkie Roth, Buddy Comfort and “Sophia” Hershman to nurture and support your inner journey.
CD: Many people find this beautiful experience perfect for any illness or imbalancephysical, mental or emotional. “This was the first recording I ever made in a real studio. It features the inimitable music of Raphael, a symphony written specifically to enhance the imagery, featuring the world renowned artists listed below. The imagery is based on that Raphael and I had developed during the previous five years at Esalen institute. The first recording of its kind, ever, it still ranks as a masterpiece.” Guided by Dr. Millers voice at its beguiling best, let yourself relax deeply in a safe place, contact and gently awaken your inner healer and guide the healing energy to the part of you that thirsts for it. Side 2, Breathing Music, presents a lovely musical tapestry, a harmonious symphony of virtuoso musicians, including Raphael, Shawkie Roth, Buddy Comfort and “Sophia” Hershman to nurture and support your inner journey.

CD: Four imagery experiences for developing wisdom and balance at each of the four levelsmind, body, emotion and spirit. Part four includes drum rhythms and movement to help you open to the life force within. Use a different part each day, or focus on one part for a week to bring that particular aspect into balance.
CD: Four imagery experiences for developing wisdom and balance at each of the four levelsmind, body, emotion and spirit. Part four includes drum rhythms and movement to help you open to the life force within. Use a different part each day, or focus on one part for a week to bring that particular aspect into balance.

CD: by Belleruth Naparstek. I wrote this guided imagery to create a rich atmosphere of protection and safety, with images that are evocative enough to successfully compete with all the internal brain chatter that keeps us up. Steve Kohn’s music draws mind, body and spirit down into deep, restful sleep. (60 min.) Keywords: sleep, insomnia, fatigue, anxiety, relaxation.
CD: by Belleruth Naparstek. I wrote this guided imagery to create a rich atmosphere of protection and safety, with images that are evocative enough to successfully compete with all the internal brain chatter that keeps us up. Steve Kohn’s music draws mind, body and spirit down into deep, restful sleep. (60 min.) Keywords: sleep, insomnia, fatigue, anxiety, relaxation.

HEALTHY HEART:Guided Imagery for Healthy Cholesterol, Open Arteries and a Strong Heart. CD: by Belleruth Naparstek. I provide a lot of healthy artery guided imagery on this program, while focusing on opening the heart, reducing stress, impatience and resentment and cultivating presence, resilience, peace and gratitude. (51 min.) Keywords: heart disease, coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, cardiac infarction, cardiac event.

CD:It is so simple, graceful and feminine and expresses the beauty of Nature in a fascinating manner. Smile…. beautiful, fleeting and loving With a theme of Mother Earth, this is a Healing Sound Series that strike a chord in the origin of our lives. You will feel totally refreshed by listening to the gentle sound in a silent space.
CD:It is so simple, graceful and feminine and expresses the beauty of Nature in a fascinating manner. Smile…. beautiful, fleeting and loving With a theme of Mother Earth, this is a Healing Sound Series that strike a chord in the origin of our lives. You will feel totally refreshed by listening to the gentle sound in a silent space.

CD:Sources of Life – Hawaii Marth Healing Music – Strings & Guitar – Music during your nap at a quiet beach in the early afternoon. Sounds of the guitar quietly overlapping the strings embrace your body so gently. This is an album which reminds you of tremendous landscapes of Nature such as the blue ocean and green-colored mountains under the brightly shining sun.
CD:Sources of Life – Hawaii Marth Healing Music – Strings & Guitar – Music during your nap at a quiet beach in the early afternoon. Sounds of the guitar quietly overlapping the strings embrace your body so gently. This is an album which reminds you of tremendous landscapes of Nature such as the blue ocean and green-colored mountains under the brightly shining sun.

CD:Flower Rainbow – Hawaii Marth Healing Music – Piano – For Your Elegant Afternoon Tea Time. Delicate sound of the piano sounds gentle to your heart. Hawaii is called a rainbow state where you see beautiful rainbows very often. This is a sound souvenir as a memory of the beautiful islands; HAWAI’I. Serve the music of flower rainbow with organic teas and tasteful desserts or during elegant afternoon tea time.$19.95
CD:Flower Rainbow – Hawaii Marth Healing Music – Piano – For Your Elegant Afternoon Tea Time. Delicate sound of the piano sounds gentle to your heart. Hawaii is called a rainbow state where you see beautiful rainbows very often. This is a sound souvenir as a memory of the beautiful islands; HAWAI’I. Serve the music of flower rainbow with organic teas and tasteful desserts or during elegant afternoon tea time.$19.95