HRV Biofeedback100

HRV Biofeedback100 provides an up-to-date and extensive review of the Blueprint for the Biofeedback Certification International Alliance (BCIA) Exam in HRV Biofeedback for $125. Biosource Software has developed a professionally-written question pool that exceeds 400 questions and is based on the BCIA Blueprint of Knowledge and Core Reading List. These questions are updated every quarter. Please note that this product is a testing service and not a tutorial course.

For successful exam preparation, we recommend that you study the BCIA Core Reading List, enroll in a BCIA-accredited didactic education program, and regularly evaluate your progress by taking our exams.

This testing service reviews content from Biofeedback: A Practitioner’s Guide (2016) edited by Schwartz and Andrasik, Biofeedback Tutor (2019) by Shaffer, Evidence-Based Practice in Biofeedback and Neurofeedback (2016) by Tan, Shaffer, Lyle, and Teo (Eds.), Foundations of Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback (2017) by Moss and Shaffer (Eds.), HRV Biofeedback Tutor (2019) by Shaffer, Psychophysiology (2007) by Andreassi, The Clinical Handbook of Biofeedback (2013) by Khazan, and The Neurofeedback Book (2016) by Michael and Lynda Thompson.

HRV Biofeedback100 uses the ClassMarker testing engine and allows you to take 10- and 20-question multiple-choice exams and then receive immediate feedback on your performance and an explanation of the correct answer. All you need is a Macintosh or Windows web browser and an internet connection. You may purchase these products from one of our vendors.

HRV Biofeedback100 reviews Biofeedback Concepts, Psychophysiology, HRV, Stress, Relaxation, Autonomic Nervous System, Central Nervous System, Cardiovascular System, Electrodermal System. Respiratory System, and Skeletal Muscle System, BVP Hardware, ECG Hardware, EMG Hardware, Respiration Hardware, Drug Effects on HRV, Artifacting, Time Domain Measurement, Frequency Domain Measurement, and Nonlinear Measurements, Respiration Assessment, HRV Assessment, Resonance Frequency Assessment, Breathing Training Protocols, HRV Training Protocols, Evidence-Based Interventions, and Professional Standards.