NRBS 46th Annual International Conference

NRBS Presents

46th Annual International Conference

Neuromodulation and Interventions for Trauma in the Time of Coronavirus

January 22-23, 2021

with a special screening of Gunkelmentary on January 21st recordings available for 45 days

We are delighted to announce the 2021 NRBS Online Conference: Trauma in the Time of Coronavirus. The study of trauma has made it clear that traditional therapeutic approaches (e.g., psychotherapy, psychopharmacology) are often insufficient to alleviate the symptoms stemming from a trauma history. This knowledge is of particular relevance as we face having to help the millions of people who will need to recover from the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic.

Aimed at and organized for providers and consumers who are interested in learning about psycho-physiologically based interventions that can be helpful for addressing symptoms stemming from trauma, we have arranged presentations from speakers who bring research, practice, and theory together.

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