Hypertension Biofeedback and Neurofeedback Protocols

According to the American Heart Association web site statistics, almost half of the adult population in the United States of America can be considered to have high blood pressure.  A hard to believe 45 percent of those who have hypertension do not have it adequately controlled.  That sounds pretty terrible to me.  Even with all of the medications that are prescribed such a low number of people have their blood pressure under control.  Many people are even prescribed 2 or 3 or even more blood pressure medications to attempt to bring the levels to an acceptable level.  This tells me that it is not a simple problem.  Medication alone may not be enough to normalize blood pressure.  Even when medication does normalize blood pressure it may not be the best long-term solution. There are many things that can elevate blood pressure that should be addressed in order to help normalize blood pressure.

Here is a link to a PDF file that lists and discusses things that could increase blood pressure, Blood Pressure Raisers, Learn what could raise your blood pressure:  https://www.heart.org/-/media/files/health-topics/high-blood-pressure/tylenol-hbp/bp-raisers.pdf?la=en

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Mind Body Seminars

Although more people are now interested in mind body techniques like meditation, mindfulness, and yoga, there is still a great lack of clarity as to what the real effects of these techniques are.  It is also often difficult to know if a person practicing a technique is doing it correctly or getting the maximum benefit they can from it.

Several months ago, I was at a university in New York city visiting a meditation group.  The two people who were leading the group were interested in using EEG biofeedback equipment to measure the brainwave activity of people who were meditating.  They were interested in comparing the EEG activity of a novice meditator with that of a very experienced one.  This is one example of how technology can be used in combination with mind body techniques.  The idea was to see if there is a difference in what is going on in the brain while a person is meditating and does that vary depending on their experience level.

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