Self-Regulation: It’s a Mind-Body Thing

Self-regulation is an important skill that allows people to manage their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors effectively. What is self-regulation?  It is the ability to have control over oneself, to resist impulsive actions, and to make decisions that line up with long-term goals and values. This valuable skill is a foundation of personal success and well-being, affecting many areas of life, including relationships, academics, career, and overall happiness.

As we become more overwhelmed with information and the speed of life increases, self-regulation is becoming increasingly important. The ability to delay gratification, stay focused, and persevere through challenges is crucial for meeting our goals. Those who have good self-regulation skills are better able to handle stress, overcome obstacles, and adapt to new situations.

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Biofeedback Training for Mental Health Disorders

Mental health disorders including anxiety, PTSD, and depression seem to have become more widespread over the past several years.  Is it that more information has become available and there is less of a stigma for people to seek mental health services?  Is it a combination of effects of the pandemic, mass shootings, and national and international unrest?  Whatever the reason is, the fact is that help is needed.  Biofeedback training is among the many effective tools that mental health professionals can use to help people suffering from mental health challenges.

Psychologists and other mental health providers tend to do a lot of talking and paperwork as a part of their routine.  Some of this can become monotonous.  Biofeedback can introduce technology that helps the clients of mental health providers to learn about themselves.  It helps them to learn how to make real, physiological, measurable changes.  They learn to change how their body reacts to stress using biofeedback.

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