Reasons to Reduce Stress

Stress is unavoidable, right?  That is a practical reality.  We can’t totally avoid stress as long as we are alive in this world.   We can reduce our exposure to stress.  We can counteract stress by doing relaxation exercises, yoga, exercise, meditation, and other things like biofeedback.

Why is it worth the effort to reduce or manage stress?  Here are a few reasons.

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How Will We Do Biofeedback Post COVID19?

Biofeedback is usually a face to face, one on one activity.  If you were providing biofeedback prior to the start of social distancing and stay at home orders, things have surely changed drastically for you very quickly.  Now what will we do?  Many of the people who provide biofeedback also provide psychotherapy.  It is much simpler to provide psychotherapy virtually than it is for biofeedback.  All you need is for the provider and the client to have a computer, smartphone, or tablet and access to a software program or application like GotoMeeting, Zoom, or Skype.  Even though this is considered simple, there can still be impediments.  Some clients don’t have smartphones, tablets, or even computers.  Some also do not have internet access.  If both parties do have access to the necessary technology then the sessions can take place fairly easily and inexpensively.
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The Power of Psychophysiological Stress Profiling

A PSP provides a great deal of useful information and helps our clients understand why they are doing biofeedback, what the starting point is, what the goals are, and why. So why don’t more biofeedback providers use them?
What is a psychophysiological stress profile?
A PSP is a baseline test in which we record multiple biofeedback modalities usually including surface EMG, skin temperature, skin conductance, respiration, and heart rate/heart rate variability. Sometimes other modalities like blood pressure, end tidal CO2, and EEG are also included.

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