Neurofeedback Equipment for Meditation and Hypnosis

Some of the more common uses for neurofeedback equipment are helping people clinically for issues like ADHD, anxiety, insomnia, and depression.  I am going to discuss two other applications that might not be as common.  Meditation has been around for a long time.  Many people practice meditation.  Many others don’t think that they can meditate.  Some have tried unsuccessfully.  There are various types of meditation practices.  One type of meditation is guided, where the meditator follows a series of guided imagery instructions to help to put them into a relaxed state.  Another type of meditation is silent.  The meditator sits quietly, allowing their minds to be quiet as much as possible.  They are not expected to not think at all.  They are just instructed not to intentionally think and to allow any thoughts that do come up to pass.  More time between thoughts seems to be a goal of this type of meditation. Read more