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The late Edward's Deming is arguably the most inspiring
statistical engineer and business thinker of the century. He
introduced the term "Profound Knowledge" in order to
differentiate between the kind of knowledge which really breeds
quality and healthy growth and far less effective even counter
productive forms of knowledge.
The historian Oswald Spengler said that a hypothesis does not
have to be absolutely correct as long as it is useful. A number
of people have told me they consider the following hypothesis
This hypothesis holds that thought is matter and (like movies)
thinking is a material process and an image making process based
on memory. Furthermore, high order, what could be termed the
capability for "Profound Attention" is probably the most
important asset a human being can have.
The Capacity for "Profound Attention" can in many if not most
human beings be enhanced. This enhanced, "Profound Attention"
carries with it the capability of conscious observation of
thought and the implications of this are that this ability to
watch oneself think is the healthiest possible way to manage and
improve the quality of thought. This observation itself is a
kind of "field". Einstein said, "The field is the soul governing agency of the particles". In this case the particles
are thought. The implication follows that one of the most
effective ways in the history of learning to enhance this
"Profound Attention" and improve the quality of thought is slow
wave, relatively synchronous Neurofeedback training.
This hypothesis further asserts that as cartographers of
consciousness, we are now being forced to define much more
carefully terms that have hitherto been taken far too much for
granted. We must now come to much more precise definitions of
intelligence, thinking, imagery which transcends thinking,
attention, etc in order to clarify what we really want to reach
If the ancients (and many of the modern masters) are correct and
the problem is that psychothenia, over thinking, "unconscious" or
unobserved thinking is the fundamental barrier to the natural
intelligence and creativity latent in humans and if it is true that
in most "normals" slow wave (ALPHA/THETA) but mostly mid-range ALPHA
training can enhance the ability to profoundly attend to
internal (thought, archetypical imagery, etc) and external
phenomena simultaneously, in real time, then indeed ALPHA/THETA
Neurofeedback, skillfully managed is one of the most valuable
educational tools ever developed.
This hypothesis is not prejudiced against fast wave training
(SMR/BETA); however, it does hold that the type of "attention"
enhanced by SMR/BETA training should be redefined as a kind of
"seize and hold" attention...a kind or class of attention highly
impregnated by thought and very useful in its own right. This
kind of attention is not the "Profound Attention" enhanced by
ALPHA/THETA; it can, however, lead to "Profound Attention". And
that should be a goal of advanced Neurofeedback training.
English is only five hundred years old. An incredibly young
language it lacks words to describe much subtle perceptual and
consciousness phenomena. So often, we must borrow these words
from more mature languages or create new words; biofeedback and
neurotherapy are examples.
"Profound Attention" may be general or focused and carries with
it a quality of depth, or emotional integration as though one is
attending with the heart as well as the brain.
The following model has considerable appeal to some. Brain
cells perhaps in combination with surrounding glial cells, etc.
have at least two major capabilities...thinking and attention.
These capabilities produce signals in the range of ALPHA for
"Profound Attention" and BETA for thinking. The kind of
attention developed by SMR/BETA training is what might be called
data-capture-and-hold attention, eventually I believe this kind
of attention will be redefined as a subset of thinking.
Therefore, ALPHA training (perhaps other frequencies under
different conditions allowing for individual idiosyncrasies)
enables the individual to substantially increase the number of brain cells that are attending. They are
attending to "what is". That is, these brain cells are
reflecting (like smooth water) subtle signals (vibration). One
of the most important material "things" they are watching is
This thought is in the form of movie-like images being generated
by other brain cells radiating energy in the form of
approximately BETA. In short ALPHA Training can in at least
some people enhance the ability to watch thought more clearly.
The more clearly thought is attended to the less subject to
error it is.
This hypothesis further holds that brain cells (and their field)
either are attending or thinking. The idea that a single brain
cell both attends and thinks at the same time seems
uncomfortable to me; although, it may, in fact, turn out to be
the way it is....especially when we can observe thinking and
attention with much greater precision, holographically and from
a true fourth dimensional perspective.
Many are talking about, sensing that a paradigm shift is
occurring in psychology. Some are already naming it the
"Psychology of Awareness."
The notion is that awareness itself breeds both optimal mental
health and enhanced performance. This awareness and Profound
Attention are the same or inter-dependent.
There is no question that these high orders of
awareness/attention can be learned without Neurofeedback.
Indeed, the biofeedback field unfolded largely from the study of
people who had developed these mind skills without technological
feedback as we know it.
But these most gifted ones are often quick to see the value of
Neurofeedback. They are also quick to point out how mind -
numbing, difficult is the treacherous path to discrimination
between high order attention and thinking one is attending.
Herein lies the awesome potential of brain wave biofeedback.
If Neurofeedback can be used to help an individual discriminate
between thought and attention/awareness....then it is a
technological breakthrough as important to the explorer of the
mind as the compass is to navigation.
Over thinking, error prone thinking and inappropriate
conditioning are barriers to health and creativity. Therefore
this model integrates the popular notion that almost any
Neurofeedback training works as long as it moves the over
conditioned brain out of its "Parking Place".
This notion could be termed the steel filings and the magnet
principle. Breaking the conditioned patterns apart with
Neurofeedback is like breaking a hunk of steel into filings.
The brain is better able to reorganize itself, like the filings,
along the natural lines of force of the magnet or attractor, if
you will.
However, this hypothesis holds that ALPHA training in many
subjects goes much further because it teaches the difference
between active, memory based image making and true relative
neural silence. This neural quietness is essential for the
healthy management of thought.
Fear is a form of thought and is at the root of most if not all
psychological disorders. When adequate masses of brain cells
are quieted fear in general is cut off.
This means that attention/awareness deals with fear now, in real
time, replacing it with increased sensitivity to what is....and
creative or as Jung would say "Archetypical Imagery".
Many of you are aware of the work of the late David Bohm, the
genius physicist, who devoted his incredible talents to the
integration of the physics, and math of consciousness,
perception and those principles by which the mind naturally
unfolds itself.
We became friends towards the end and I am still wrestling with
all he taught me. But one most interesting thing is his way of
categorizing thinking as types A, B, and C. In my efforts to
claim it as my own I changed the terminology to thinking of the
first kind, second kind, and third kind...Sort of a play on the
movie Close Encounters because thinking of the third kind
implies contact with relatively high orders of intelligence.
Thinking of the first kind is the condition in which a person is
lost - not a good thing. The individual is not aware he is
thinking and cannot observe himself think.
Therefore contact with "what is" is lost. All that she sees or
hears or feels is distorted by this condition of unconscious
over think..."psychothenia"...usually leading to one form of
disaster or another.
Thinking of the second kind is the condition in which the
thinker begins to watch himself think. This begins the
capability for the thinker to discriminate. The good engineer
emerges because he can reject those thoughts that do not conform
to natural law as he understands it. Of course, when his wife
asks him to take the trash out, his ego is activated and he
falls back into thinking of the first kind.
Thinking of the third kind is an extremely high order of
thought. In this condition a kind of quickening of thought
occurs as thought becomes aware of its own structure. This
leads to awareness by the thinker that his self image or ego is
constructed of images based on memory and that he is not who he
thought she was.
Further, thought becomes aware of its own limitations. At this
point thought stops trying to be all things. For example, being
limited, it stops behaving as though it were unlimited. This produces a kind of shock and in this shock
relative neural silence, greatly enhanced sensitivity and
creative or archetypical imagery emerges.
A relatively small group of us became incredibly committed to
EEG biofeedback about twenty five years ago. We then struggled
with a long period of rejection by most of the biofeedback
community and even worse enormous frustration because
Neurofeedback did not work with our patients as quickly as we
thought it should.
It seems to me Peniston was enormously productive in helping us
to realize that we had been too impatient.
Most of us who became so convinced that Neurofeedback was the
grand breakthrough it is now believed to be, did so because we
had personally experienced impressive insights and changes
linked to our EEG training.
This might be termed the "Primed Pump Syndrome". We were all
tremendously involved in our own mind explorations...the
meditation model, if you will. Therefore, a small amount of
training produced a big result. Most of the clients we trained
were not in the same place. Therefore, many more sessions over
a longer time were required.
In addition, unconscious fear of the exposure of the image of
the me as unreal, a kind of fraud, and fear of being forced to
face repressed material produces a further obstacle to many, if
not most.
One of the problems of definition that exists is the confusion
over THETA.
It appears that there is healthy THETA and unhealthy THETA.
This model holds that unhealthy THETA relates to a kind of
trancelike behavior the result of which is a kind of detachment
from "what is". Walinsky, a psychologist has written a book
entitled, "Trances People Live". These are not all good
trances. This disassociative trancelike phenomena may be broken
out of by "Profound Attention".
On the other hand, "Profound Attention", increases sensitivity
to subtle internal imagery such as the fast moving archetypical
imagery associated with healthy THETA.
ALPHA training prolonged produces the "window". This window
appears to be a condition where healthy THETA emerges,
constructed visualizations have enhanced effect and
consciousness contaminating repressed psychological material
rises up...to be, as it were, burned up by insight, energy, a
kind of fire in the mind.
SMR/BETA protocols may have greater economic power at this
moment. However, the ALPHA/THETA protocols are basic to our
field. "Peak Performers do the basics very well." Many
patients will come home to "Profound Attention" better by using
the compass of ALPHA/THETA training.
R. Adam Crane BCIA, ACN, NRNP
Presentation at 2nd Annual SSNR Meet
Las Vegas May 1994