Biofeedback Resources International
Biofeedback / Neurofeedback Training
and Equipment

phone: 1-877-669-6463 ..... 914-762-4646


Membership Organizations - A Valuable Resource
10 April 2009

- a BioFeedBack Resources International email newsletter -
written & edited by Harry L. Campbell, President
technical editing and production by Edwin Johnson

A free email service that keeps you posted on new information and products which increase the effectiveness of the services you offer, the economic health of your practice, and your creative thinking.

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Inside this issue:

I. Membership Organizations can be a Valuable Resource - by Harry Campbell
II. Events Calendar


I. Membership Organizations can be a Valuable Resource - by Harry Campbell

I just returned from the annual AAPB conference that was held in Albuquerque, NM. I was able to meet many new people, see many old friends, and attend many exciting presentations on cutting edge applications in biofeedback and neurofeedback.

Many people involved or interested in the biofeedback field often have difficulty getting information. I have talked to several professionals who practice biofeedback or neurofeedback who say that they don't know anybody else in their area that practices biofeedback or neurofeedback. This is sometimes the fact. Other times there may be others that the person is just not aware of. Membership organizations can help professionals be more aware of colleagues in their area. This can be very helpful when you need to refer a client to someone else. Professionals also sometimes like to maintain contact with others so that they can share ideas, ask questions, or just talk to someone that is in the same field. The biofeedback and neurofeedback field is relatively small so the membership organizations are a very important resource for connecting those of us with this common interest.

I also receive many calls from individuals who are looking for biofeedback professionals so that they can receive biofeedback or neurofeedback therapy. It can be difficult to find a biofeedback or neurofeedback professional through the yellow pages or even through Internet searching. The membership organizations are a great resource for this as well. Most of them have websites that allow you to search for providers by location and even specialty.

Some of the organizations are national. Others are regional or local. I urge you to look into all of them that apply to you. They offer reference material, educational opportunities, conferences, and networking opportunities.

Here is a list to start with:

AAPB's mission is to advance the development, dissemination and utilization of knowledge about applied psychophysiology and biofeedback to improve health and the quality of life through research, education and practice.


BCIA was formed in January 1981 to establish and maintain professional standards for the provision of biofeedback services and to certify those who meet these standards.


BFE was founded to promote a greater awareness of biofeedback among European health professionals and, through training workshops, educate clinicians in the use of biofeedback techniques and technology.


This is an international membership organization of people from various professional disciplines doing neurotherapy, neurofeedback training and research.


NRBS represents the Professional Biofeedback practitioners of this region. Please contact us for more information about practitioners in your area, the NRBS, or the ways Biofeedback may help you.


You can find many of them and others on the following news and links webpage:


II. Events Calendar:

April 17-20, 2009 - Neurofeedback BCIA Certification Training, New York Area

April 25, 2009 - Northeast Regional Biofeedback Society Spring Conference, New York City

May 2-6, 2009 - Biofeedback BCIA Certification Training, New York Area

For more information on these and other events click here:


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