phone: 1-877-669-6463 ..... 914-762-4646


Marketing and Promoting Your Biofeedback Practice
5 August 2010

- a BioFeedBack Resources International email newsletter -
written & edited by Harry L. Campbell, President
technical editing and production by Edwin Johnson

A free email service that keeps you posted on new information and products which increase the effectiveness of the services you offer, the economic health of your practice, and your creative thinking.

Newsletter distribution information - please go to the end.

Inside this issue:

I. Marketing and Promoting Your Biofeedback Practice
II. CapnoTrainer®
III. Upcoming Training and Seminars


I. Marketing and Promoting Your Biofeedback Practice

If you are interested in how to market your practice, this workshop we are presenting on October 1, 2010, may be of special interest to you.

Learn how to market your counseling and bio/neurofeedback practice. This workshop is both didactic and experiential with practical tools to be implemented immediately into your practices.

If you are challenged with the task of getting more clients and making your practice more profitable financially and emotionally, then this workshop is for you. If you have been frustrated trying to figure out the insurance reimbursement game, this workshop is for you.

Susan Antelis has presented this marketing workshop at AAPB on several occasions. This is another opportunity to learn from her experience.

For more information please see:


II. CapnoTrainer®

The Capno Breathing Trainer is now being offered by BRI. The CapnoTrainer® may be used for observing, identifying, teaching, and learning new breathing behavioral patterns. Detect bad breathing and learn good breathing with the CapnoTrainer®.

Studies in the development showed that learned overbreathing behavior leads to exhaling too much CO2 resulting in extracellular alkalinity. Futhermore, shifts in pH may account for "unexplained" symptoms, psychological changes, effects of stress, and performance deficits.

Those who may be interested in the CapnoTrainer® include:

  • Corporate coaches and employees
  • Counselors and clients
  • Teachers and students
  • Performance consultants and clients
  • Human service providers and clients
  • Health educators and clients
  • Fitness trainers and sports enthusiasts
  • Mental health practitioners and clients

To learn more about the CapnoTrainer® please see:


III. Upcoming Training and Seminars

October 1, 2010
Marketing and Promoting Your Biofeedback Practice
(comments above)

For details visit or call 877-669-6463 / 914-762-4646.


October 23-27, 2010
Professional BCIA 5-Day General Biofeedback Training

This program meets the BCIA 48 hour didactic training requirement and includes lab time working with the biofeeedback equipment.

For details visit or call 877-669-6463 / 914-762-4646.


August 27-30, 2010
November 12-15, 2010
Professional BCIA 4-Day Neurofeedback Training

This program meets the BCIA 36 hour didactic training requirement and includes lab time working with the neurofeeedback equipment.

For details visit or call 877-669-6463 / 914-762-4646.


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