This special area of our website is available to:
- VA Hospitals
- Department of Defense Military Installations
- Army, Navy, Air force, Marines
- Military Academies
- Homeland Security
- And other Federal government agencies
We accept Government Credit/Purchase cards
Advantages of our ordering from our GSA contract
- Simplified ordering process, the federal government gets our best pricing
- We have years of experience supplying VA Medical Centers, DOD
(including U.S. Air Force, US. Navy, US Army), and NASA
- We also sub-contract with other government prime contractors
Government Applications for Biofeedback
- Mental Health
- Stress Management
- Pain Management
- Rehabilitation
- Pelvic Muscle Disorder/Continence
- Physical Therapy
Who can use biofeedback as a tool?
Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Physical Therapists, Rehabilitation
Therapists, Nurses, Chiropractors, Mental Health Counselors, Social Workers,
Substance Abuse Counselors, and Behavioral Therapists (and others).
Stress Management for Veterans and Active Duty Soldiers
- Relaxation techniques
- Stress Management/Reduction
- Symptoms Headaches, Hypertension, Anxiety, Panic attacks, asthma, muscle
spasm, neuromuscular pain