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in partnership with

Behavioral Medicine Research & Training 


Non-profit Scientific & Educational Organization 91-1948669

operating under Section 501c3 of the US Internal Revenue Code 

6576 Blue Mountain Road, Port Angeles, WA 98362

Course description and outline for:

Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology / Human 

Biology for Behavioral Clinicians 

45 CE creditss / Course Fee: $750   

Presented by Richard A. Sherman, Ph.D.



 :    This course is set at the depth and instructional level of a three credit post-

licensure course and provides 45 hours of CE credit. It is intended for psychologists and 
other behavioral clinicians who have not had previous training in aspects of anatomy and 
physiology related to how the body and mind interact to control behavior and 
psychophysiological states. 

Each basic physical structure and organ system (including the nervous system) is 

discussed with regard to both anatomical structures and physiological functions as they 
change over time and in relation to both the external and internal environment. The main 
course objective is to provide the depth of knowledge behavioral clinicians require to 
understand the physical bases for psychophysiological problems and interventions. These 
must be understood before psychophysiologically oriented assessments and interventions 
can be effectively added to a behavioral clinician’s practice. The course is also intended 
to enhance communication with physicians and other medical professionals by providing 
common concepts, information, and vocabulary essential to understanding the discussion 
of medical disorders. 

Clinicians having differing interests and patient populations take this course so it 

has been designed so you have slightly different materials available to you depending on 
what your interests are and the types of patients you see. The depth of knowledge you 
need on different topics depends on how the physiological bases of your patients’ 
problems relate to the types of assessments and interventions you provide. If you work in 
a setting where most of the patients have social interaction and anxiety problems rather 
than complex medical problems, the required text book will suffice to meet your needs. 
This level meets all requirements for BCIA certification. The lectures will provide 
sufficient medical material so you will recognize most of the physiological problems 


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influencing your patients’ behaviors (hormones, respiration, senses, muscles, brain & 
nerve wiring, etc.). If you work in a setting where many of the patients have medical 
problems complicating their behavioral problems, or you are using biofeedback to treat 
medical / physiological problems, or you need to communicate with members of the 
medical community, understand results of medical tests, etc., an optional clinically 
oriented book has been provided for you to use in addition to the required book. If you 
are a health psychologist, a behavioral medicine specialist, or in a graduate program 
leading to one of these degrees, you should take this option. If you are doing muscular 
rehabilitation, working with people having muscular dysfunctions, or in a clinical 
psychophysiology graduate program or track, an optional book emphasizing kinesiology 
has also been provided. 

You will learn by watching audiovisual lectures provided on the course web site 

or CDs, reading assignments both from materials provided on the course web site or CDs 
and one or more standard texts, watching a movie, and interacting extensively with the 
instructor via e-mail and, if you wish, by phone. You will answer short essay questions 
after each lecture rather than taking exams. Previous students have required between 45 
and 95 hours of work (with a median of 65 hours) to complete this course. There are no 
prerequisites for this course.

Note to people primarily interested in EEG: Why we don't give a neuroanatomy- 
only basic course: 
The material on neuroanatomy you will learn in our A&P course and 
our EEG biofeedback / neurofeedback course provides the essential information you need 
to understand how brain structures and functions impact on EEG biofeedback. Of most 
importance, typical neuroanatomy courses do NOT include much of the crucial 
information you need to know about how hormones and other functions influence the 
brain and can overwhelm anything we do with neurofeedback. People who want more 
depth in neuroanatomy and neurophysiology should take our advanced 
psychoneurophysiology course.

Specific Course Objectives: As a result of taking this course, you should be able to:


Be able to discuss functional and structural bases of disorders.


Understand how the muscles function and contribute to functional disorders.


Be able to discuss how immune dysfunction relates to functional disorders. 

4. Be able to predict changes in functional disorders from changes in endocrine system function.

Relate pheromonal communication to behavioral changes.  

5. Be able to describe genetic and environmental contributions to observed behaviors.

        6.    Have sufficient depth of knowledge of A&P to understand the psychophysiological bases of functional


Format: Home study supported by e-mail chats after each unit is completed. The course 
is divided into a series of units based on organ systems. You will progress through each 
unit by watching an introductory audiovisual lecture (on the course web site or CD) about 
an organ system followed by reading one or more chapters in the required book, text files 
on the course web site or CD, and, if you are using one or more of them, possibly in one 
of the optional books. After watching the lecture and reading the assigned material, you 
will answer a brief series of questions located in the review question file on the course 
web site or CD. The answered questions are then e-mailed to the instructor. You and the 
instructor will discuss each unit via e-mail or phone after your answers are assessed. You 


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do not have to wait for the discussion to proceed to the succeeding lecture & chapters. 
You are more than welcome to spend extra time with the instructor discussing topics 
related to the course and biofeedback in general. The cost of the texts is not included in 
the course fee.

Accessibility: Hearing impaired people can view the slides only as virtually all of 

the material presented in the lectures is typed onto the slides. Visually impaired people 
can concentrate on the verbal lectures as the slide material is repeated in the lecture 
accompanying each slide. 

Computer and Computer Knowledge Requirements:  Anybody with a modern computer and 
a bit of basic understanding of computer operation (at the level of being able to send e-mails) can 
play this course with minimal problems. You must have a computer (a) capable of connecting to 
the internet and running a typical internet program, (b) containing/running a modern word 
processor such as Microsoft word or Word Perfect, (c) the capability to play sounds such as 
music (has speakers and appropriate software which normally come with any modern computer), 
and (d) a slide viewing program such as Power Point (you can probably get a slide viewing 
program free off the internet if you don’t have one). Any modern (e.g., built within the last ten 
years), IBM style computer running Windows 98 and more recent platforms (e.g., XP or 
Windows 8) should be able to do this. Speed, hard disk size, and RAM are not factors for 
computers in the above category.

 Dozens of students have used recent Apple products (MACs etc.) for the course however 

they frequently have more difficulty playing the course materials than PC users do.
If you are using a MAC type of computer, you must have a current version of “quicktime”. If 
you do not have it, you can download it for free from the web.

Required Text:  (The cost of the text(s) is not included in the course fee.)

The text(s) can be purchased at our web site


Elaine Marieb: Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology, either the 10



(ISBN 10: 0-321-69598-4), 2012 or the soft cover 9


 edition (ISBN 10: 0-321-51342-8), 

2009. There is also a much less expensive e-book version. A used copy of the soft-cover 


 edition will do if you can get it. Published by Benjamin/Cummings Science Publishers 

/ Addison Wesley Longman of New York. The book comes with a CD but this is not to 
be confused with the audiovisual lecture CD discussed above. Do not get Marieb’s 
“Human Anatomy and Physiology” book (without “essentials” in the title) as this is a 
different book.

Optional Texts: 
1. Gary Thibodeau and  Kevin Patton: The Human Body in Health and Disease, either the 


 edition (ISBN  0-323-01338-4 - soft cover), 2002 or the 4


 edition (ISBN 0-323-

03162-5) 2005. Published by Mosby (Elsevier Science) of St. Louis, Missouri. This book 
is important if you assess and treat medical conditions, work in a medical setting, or are 
taking graduate training in health psychology or behavioral medicine.

2. Clinical Kinesiology for Physical Therapy Assistants, Third Edition by Lynn Lippert; F.A. 
Davis Company of Philadelphia, 2000.  ISBN 0836-0453x . This book is important if you plan to 


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record moving subjects, work with musculoskeletal rehabilitation patients, or are in a graduate 
school psychophysiology track or program.



The course is given by Dr. Richard Sherman, Ph.D.  He is certified by BCIA, approved 

by BCIA to teach the general biofeedback certification course, and currently teaches A&P, 
Pelvic floor disorders, pain, and other courses. He is a professional psychophysiologist with 
extensive training (his Ph.D. is in biology & psychology), has nearly 30 years of experience in 
the field, and has published over 130 books, chapters, and articles (mostly in peer reviewed 
journals). Dr. Sherman is Director of the psychophysiology doctoral specialization at Saybrook 
University and has held many positions within the Association for Applied Psychophysiology 
and Biofeedback including president. Full CV available upon request and on the course web site.

Topic Outline





(All readings in the Thibodeau - Patton and Lippert books are optional.)

1.  Concepts and Overview of the Body’s Organization + First Thoughts About Disease

(About two hours of instruction including interaction with the instructor.)

Audiovisual lecture:  Why you need to know A & P to perform psychophysiological

 assessments and interventions – and what you miss if you don’t know it.

MS Word Text file on your CD entitled “A&P Basic Concepts of Disease”.

Marieb book Chapter 1: Structural organization, atoms to organisms, overview of organ

systems, what is life and what is needed, homeostasis, descriptive terminology

Thibodeau/Patton 3


  Edition Chapters 1, 3, and 4 / 4


 Edition 1,3, 4, and 5: Structure vs. 

function, Organ systems; first look at disease mechanisms. NOTE: See the 
appendices for examples of pathological conditions, medical terminology,  clinical 
and laboratory values, and common abbreviations and symbols.

Lippert book Chapter 1: Descriptive terminology, types of motion, joint movements

2. Basic Chemistry:

 (About three hours of instruction including interaction with the instructor.)

Audiovisual lecture: The basics of atoms and ions, the body as a bag of ions, body

 generated electromagnetic fields and behavior, recording the body’s electricity

Marieb book Chapter 2: Basic chemistry, matter and energy, composition of matter,

 molecules and compounds, chemic bonds and reactions, biochemistry – inorganic
 vs. organic

Thibodeau/Patton 3


 Edition Appendix A – Chemistry of life / 4


 Edition Chapter 2

3. Cells and Tissues:

(About three hours of instruction including interaction with the instructor.)

Audiovisual lecture: Evolution of communication systems, communication within and

 between cells and tissues, development of stress response systems, wound
 healing and stress

Marieb book Chapter 3: Cellular anatomy and physiology, epithelial, connective, nerve,

 and, muscle tissues, introduction to tissue repair / wound healing

Thibodeau/Patton book 3


 Ed. Chapter 2/ 4


 Ed. Ch 3: Tissues and membranes

4. The Nervous System:

(About four hours of instruction including interaction with the instructor.)


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Audiovisual lecture: The overlapping types of communication systems in relationship to

 evolution, how the interaction between the chemical and nervous communication
 systems effects behavior, effects of stress on the nervous system, nervous system
 plasticity and change with behavioral and chemical interventions, changing the
 body through change in behavior and vice versa, biofeedback, pain, recording the 
EEG, & addiction

Marieb book Chapter 7: Organization of the nervous system, structure and function, the


 CNS, brain dysfunctions, the spinal cord, the peripheral nervous system

Thibodeau/Patton 3


 Ed. Chapter 8 / 4


 Ed Ch 9: Nervous system and its diseases

Read both biofeedback chapters which are on your CD


Optional Lippert book Chapter 5:  The nervous system and movement: CNS, PNS

5. The Senses:

(About three hours of instruction including interaction with the instructor.)

Audiovisual lecture:  Sensory abilities limit perception and training, the senses not

 usually taught including pheromones, ESP, etc.,

Marieb book Chapter 8: vision, hearing, balance, taste, smell
MS Word Text files on CD entitled “A&P p100” and “A&P Blind spot”.
Thibodeau/Patton 3


 Ed. Chapter 9 / 4


 Ed Ch 10: The senses and their disorders

6. The Glands – Exocrine and Endocrine systems:

(About three hours of instruction including interaction with the instructor.)
Audiovisual lecture:  Chemical communication vs. behavioral therapy, pheromones and 

community and sexual behavior, exocrine glands

Marieb book Chapter 9: Functions, endocrine organs, hormone producing tissues
Thibodeau/Patton 3


 Ed Chapter 10/ 4


 Ed Ch 11: Glandular disorders

7. The Skin – External and Internal:

(About two hours of instruction including interaction with the instructor.)
Audiovisual lecture: Oxygen and wound healing in relation to stress, effects of behavioral

 choices on skin function and diseases, skin cancer and the need for behavioral
 stimulation, behavioral interventions to speed skin / wound healing

Marieb book Chapter 4: More on membranes, basic structure and functions of the skin,

 skin color, homeostatic imbalances of the skin (allergies, burns, cancer,
 infections, etc.)

Thibodeau/Patton 3


 Ed Chapter 5 / 4


 Ed Ch 6: Disorders of the integument

8. The Skeletal System:

(About three hours of instruction including interaction with the instructor.)
Audiovisual lecture: The need for bones to continuously reshape themselves in response

to behavioral challenges, stress and bone healing and change, behavioral
 interventions to speed bone healing

 Marieb book Chapter 5:  Functions of bones, the axial skeleton, the appendicular

 skeleton, joints, developmental aspects of the skeleton

Thibodeau/Patton 3


 Ed Chapter 6 / 4


 Ed Ch 7: Skeletal disorders and fractures

Optional Lippert book Chapter 2: Skeletal system: functions, types, composition of bone,

 structure; Chapter 3: Joints / Articular system: types of joints, joint structure,
 planes; Chapter 6: Basic biomechanics


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9. The Muscular System:

(About four hours of instruction including interaction with the instructor.)
Audiovisual lecture: Stress and muscle tension, muscle tension vs. pain, types of muscle

 tissue vs. training for different types of tasks – why you can’t train some muscles
 to perform some functions, muscle rehabilitation vs. type of training

Marieb book Chapter 6: Types of  muscle tissue, muscle activity, motion, anatomy
Thibodeau/Patton 3


 Ed Ch 7 / 4


 Ed Ch 8: Disorders of the musculoskeletal system

Optional Lippert book Chapters 7 & 8: The shoulder girdle and joint

 Lippert book Chapter 16: The Hip: Joint structure, motions, and

 muscle actions

Lippert book Chapter 12: TM / Jaw joint function
Lippert book Chapter 17:  The Knee: Muscles of the knee, muscle actions, motions
Lippert book Chapter 13:  The Neck and Trunk: Vertebral curves,

 explanation of terms, joints and ligaments, muscles of the neck and trunk

Lippert book Chapter 20:  Walking: Normal gait, stance,

 analysis of the swing and stance phases, determinants of gait properties

Lippert book Chapter 19: Posture 

10. The Cardiovascular / Circulatory System: 

(About three hours of instruction including interaction with the instructor.)
Audiovisual lecture:  Effects of stress and anxiety on cardiovascular functioning and vice

 versa, behavioral interventions for cardiovascular problems

Marieb book Chapters 10 and 11: Composition of blood, hemostasis (clotting, etc.),

 blood types, the heart, blood vessels, the lymphatic system

Thibodeau/Patton 3


 Ed Chapters 11, 12, and 13 / 4


 Ed Chs 12, 13, & 14: Disorders of 

the cardiovascular system  

11. The Immune System:

(About three hours of instruction including interaction with the instructor.)

Audiovisual lecture: Effects of stress on the immune system, behavioral interventions for

 immune system dysfunctions

Marieb book Chapter 12: The lymphatic system, nonspecific body defenses, the immune


Thibodeau/Patton 3


 Ed Chapter 14 / 4


 Ed Ch 15: Disorders of the immune system

12. The Respiratory System:

(About three hours of instruction including interaction with the instructor.)

Audiovisual lecture: Poor respiration patterns cause anxiety, psychophysiological

 assessments and behavioral interventions for respiratory disorders

Marieb book Chapter 13: Anatomy, respiratory physiology
Thibodeau/Patton 3


 Ed Chapter 15 / 4


 Ed Ch 16: Disorders of the respiratory system

Optional Lippert book Chapter 14:  Respiration in relationship to motion,

 muscles used during respiration and their tension patterns

13. The Digestive System, Metabolism, and Nutrition:

(About two hours of instruction including interaction with the instructor.)
Audiovisual lecture: The gut brain, stress and metabolism, stress and GI functions,

behavioral interventions for irritable bowel disease, etc., diet vs. weight


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Marieb book Chapter 14: Anatomy and functions of the digestive system, nutrition and

 metabolism, body energy balance

Thibodeau/Patton 3


 Ed Chapters 16 & 17 / 4


 Ed Chapters 17 & 18: Disorders of the

 GI system

14. The Urinary System, Waste Disposal, Fluid Balance Systems: 

(About four hours of instruction including interaction with the instructor.)

Audiovisual lecture: Mechanisms of continence, psychophysiological assessment

 and treatment of urinary and fecal incontinence, reflexes

Marieb book Chapter 15: The kidneys, bladder, and urethra
Thibodeau/Patton 3


 Ed Chapters 18, 19 & 20 / 4


 Ed 19, 20 & 21: Electrolyte balance, 

Disorders of the urinary system

15. The Reproductive System, Growth, and Genetics: 

(About three hours of instruction including interaction with the instructor.)

Audiovisual lecture: Mechanisms of orgasm, stress and sexual function, genetics, 

and behavioral genetics

Marieb book Chapter 16: Anatomy and physiology of the male and female reproductive

 systems, female reproductive functions

Thibodeau/Patton 3


 Ed Chapters 21, 22, & 23 / 4


 Ed Chapters 22, 23, & 24: Disorders 

of the  reproductive system and genetics

16. (Optional) Common Pathological Conditions, Medical Terminology, Common 
Abbreviations and Symbols, Clinical Laboratory Values, & Examples of Pathological 

Thibodeau/Patton Appendices (There are no review questions about these sections.).

17. You aren’t quite done yet.
Fill out (1) the Foundation’s course evaluation form and (2) the BCIA evaluation form (MS 
Word file named “A&P BCIA evaluation form”) and send it to BCIA (

When all requirements have been successfully completed, your course completion certificate will 
be e-mailed to you and BCIA will be informed that you completed the course.

Administrative Information


 You can start the course whenever wish to within six months of the purchase date 

and work at your own pace as long as you complete the course within one year of purchase.

Duration of course validity: You must begin the course within six months of the purchase 

date and complete it within one year of the purchase date. Courses not completed by that time are 
void and must be repurchased if still available. No refunds are provided for courses not 
completed within one year of purchase. 

CE Credit



 Saybrook University is regionally accredited and approved by the state of California to 

grant degrees. These are continuing education, not university accredited, courses. CE credits are given 
through (1) the state of California’s Board of Behavioral Sciences (Approval # PCE1895); (2) The 


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National Board of Certified Counselors (Provider # 6270), and (3) the Behavioral Medicine R&T 
Foundation is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for 
psychologists. The Foundation maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
Saybrook University is regionally accredited and approved to grant degrees by the state of California.



This course is accepted by the Biofeedback Certification International Alliance for both 

certification and recertification.

Purchasing courses: Courses can be purchased from Biofeedback International Resources

by clicking the Buy Me button for the specific course here.

Full refund will be made until the students are given access to the course website.

After getting access to the course website, there is no refund at all, as Saybrook University and the

Foundation have committed their resources to you and you have access to all of the course materials.

A course would only be cancelled due to an extreme emergency on the part of the course instructor or

the Foundation. In the highly unlikely event a course is cancelled, you would receive a full refund.

Scholarships:  Saybrook University and the Foundation give 


consisting of 

25% off the cost of the course(s) to (a) students and professionals (e.g. clinicians, coaches, teachers) 
from emerging nations and (b) full time graduate students in developed nations.

Course updates: Updates to all courses are placed on the course web site as they are made. 
Students are informed when updates are available.