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EEG Biofeedback Assessment and Intervention(This is a BCIA-accredited Neurofeedback Certification Course) 36 CEs, Course Fee: $750 Instructed by Cynthia Kerson, PhD, QEEGD, BCN, BCB ckerson@saybrook.edu
Course abstract and Description: This introductory level course is the equivalent of a three-credit course and provides 36 hours of CE credit. The course is targeted to licensed / certified clinicians such as psychologists, counselors, physical therapists, social workers, nurses, and physicians as well as to graduate students. Students learn by watching audiovisual lectures housed on the course website, reading assignments both from materials provided and standard texts, and interacting with their instructor via email. They respond to review tests after each lecture. Students start the course whenever they wish to and proceed at their convenience. There is a two-year limit to complete the course. The course provides sufficient material so clinicians will know (a) the psychophysiological bases of EEG recordings (b) what the common assessments and interventions are as well as how they work, (c) what common complementary interventions are, (d) how the recording devices work in a clinical setting, (d) how to perform an effective recording, and (e) how to perform effective psychophysiological assessments and interventions. The course meets all of the requirements for the Biofeedback Certification International Alliance's neurofeedback certification course and is accredited by them for this purpose. Please note that clinicians interested in being certified in neurofeedback by the BCIA would have to meet additional mentoring and education requirements. Please see www.BCIA.org for specifics. Learning Objectives: The course objective is to provide the depth of knowledge in psychophysiology, EEG biofeedback equipment and neurofeedback training techniques that clinicians require to perform EEG-based assessments and neurofeedback-based interventions. This information is crucial to effectively adding these techniques to a clinician's practice. This course is designed to help the student:
DISCLAIMER: Completion of this continuing education course is strictly for educational / informational purposes and does not imply competency, proficiency, and/or experience. The course completion certificate is neither a clinical certification nor a license to practice. Format: Home study supported by email discussion after each unit is completed. The lecture portion of the course is presented through a series of .PPT lectures accessed through the course website. The lectures are between 1½ and 2½ hours in length. Reading assignments parallel the lectures. After viewing the lecture and reading the assigned supporting files, you will answer a brief series of review questions (which are in the review questions file on the course web site). Your responses are then emailed to the instructor. You and the instructor will discuss each unit via email chat after your answers are assessed. It is expected that the student answer all review questions correctly and completely. Any questions answered incorrectly or incompletely must be discussed and/or corrected. All reading and listening assignments are in the review questions file. Accessing course materials: All course materials are available on the course web site. When you purchase the course you will be given instructions for immediate access. Minimal computer knowledge, including Internet access, use of email, use of Word and PowerPoint are required. Prerequisites & professional training requirements: You should have had undergraduate courses in general biology and general psychology prior to taking this course. If you haven't had them, contact us before registering. While not a prerequisite, you may do much better in the course if you have already taken our Anatomy and Physiology for Behavioral Clinicians courses. This course is intended for licensed / certified clinicians, educators, and coaches. None of the instructional material offered will provide you with the clinical skills needed to apply the psychoneurophysiological assessment and interventional techniques you will learn in the clinical environment, unless you are already a trained clinician or educator and have had sufficient clinical supervision. Faculty: Cynthia Kerson, PhD, QEEGD, BCN, BCB is the director of education for Brain Science International, has been the clinical director of Marin Biofeedback in San Rafael, California since 1998, is the executive director of the ISNR Research Foundation and secretary of the QEEG Certification Board. She is BCIA certified in biofeedback and neurofeedback and holds certification as a diplomate in QEEG and mentors for both. Cynthia is also on the Board of Directors for the Behavioral Medicine Foundation and is past president of the Biofeedback Society of California. In her role as the executive director for the ISNR Research Foundation, she facilitates funding and research in the field of neurotherapy. Her role with Brain Science International is to develop introductory, intermediate and advanced courses in the specialized areas of brain training and EEG analysis. In her clinic, she specializes in biofeedback training for attention issues, hypertension, addiction disorders, pain management and anxiety. Cynthia is the EEG specialist for the television program MythBusters having appeared or consulted for 4 of their episodes. Finally, Cynthia is a member of the International Society for Neurofeedback and Research (ISNR), the Association of Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback (AAPB) and Society for the Advancement of Brain Analysis (SABA). She served as the Executive Director of the Biofeedback Society of California 2004-2008 and Executive Director for ISNR 2005-2011.
Required Text:The cost of the texts is not included in the course fee.)Doing Neurofeedback: An Introduction by Richard Soutar and Robert Longo. ISNR Research Foundation: San Rafael, CA. It can be purchased at www.BMEDPress.com Recommended Texts: a. Biofeedback: A Practitioner's guide. Edited by Mark Schwartz and Frank Andrasik. Guilford Press of New York, 2003. Discounted purchase available through AAPB's bookstore (800 477-8892). Note: the new 4th edition is due very soon so look for it. b. The Neurofeedback Book by Michael and Lynda Thompson. 2003. This book is recommended for anyone planning to take the BCIA EEG exam. This book is more complex, and will be best to read after having some basic knowledge. c. The Art of Artifacting by Corydon Hammond and Jay Gunkelman. 2001. Available through the International Society for Neurotherapy and Research. This book is recommended for anyone wanting to record and/or edit QEEGs. d. Getting Started with Neurofeedback by John N. Demos. WW Norton & Company, NY, 2005. Discounted purchase available through AAPB's bookstore (800 477-8892). * You can access the most current list of BCIA required reading at www.bcia.org Topics:
When all requirements have been successfully completed, your course completion certificate will be e-mailed to you and BCIA will be informed that you completed the course.
Administrative InformationSchedule: You can start the course whenever wish to within six months of the purchase date and work at your own pace as long as you complete the course within 2 years of purchase. Courses not completed by that time are void and must be repurchased if still available. No refunds are provided for courses not completed within 2 years of purchase. CE Credit : Saybrook University is regionally accredited and approved by the state of California to grant degrees. These are continuing education, not university accredited, courses. CE credits are given through (1) the state of California's Board of Behavioral Sciences (Approval # PCE1895 and (2) the Behavioral Medicine R&T Foundation is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The Foundation maintains responsibility for this program and its content. BCIA: This course is accredited by the Biofeedback Certification International Alliance (BCIA) for both certification and recertification. Purchasing Courses: Courses can be purchased from Biofeedback International Resources by clicking the Buy Me button HERE. Full refund will be made until students are given access to the course web site. After getting access to the online course, there is no refund, as Saybrook University and the Foundation have committed their resources to you and you have access to all of the course materials. A course would only be cancelled due to an extreme emergency on the part of the course instructor or the Foundation. In the highly unlikely event a course is cancelled, you would receive a full refund. Scholarships: Saybrook University and the Foundation give scholarships consisting of 25% off the cost of the course(s) to (a) students and professionals (e.g. clinicians, coaches, teachers) from emerging nations and (b) full time graduate students in developed nations. Course updates: Updates to all courses are placed on the course website as they are made. Students are informed when updates are available.