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in partnership with the

Behavioral Medicine Research & Training 


Non-profit Scientific & Educational Organization 91-1948669

operating under Section 501c3 of the US Internal Revenue Code

6576 Blue Mountain Road, Port Angeles, WA 98362

Course Description and outline for:


Nervous System Functions in Psychophysiology

45 hours of CE credit, Course Fee $750.




    Gerald P. Kozlowski, Ph.D., EEG-BCIA

Prerequisites: An undergraduate course in general biology. It is easier if you have had an 
introductory neurofeedback course as well.

Concept and Format



For purposes of this course, we consider neuropsychophysiology as the study of human behavior 
in its broadest terms. It incorporates the principles of neuroscience (neuro- and electro-
physiology, neuroanatomy and cell and molecular biology) and neuropsychology (clinical 
neuropsychology, neuropsychiatry, experimental and cognitive psychology). Recent advances in 
neuroimaging and psychopharmacology have added new and exciting dimensions to modern 
neuropsychophysiogy which previously once was regarded as mainly diagnostic in nature. 
Therefore, the main objective of this course will be to examine the scientific basis of these 
research areas as they relate to the fundamentals of human behavior. Recently published research 
papers are introduced  into the course in order to extend the student's views beyond the textual 
material. In addition, students are given the opportunity to present their research and/or clinical 
interests.The student will also achieve an understanding of the principles underlying the practice 
of EEG-biofeedback (EEG-BF) by studying the basic mechanisms of cerebral rhythmic 
activities, regional cerebral functions and their connectivities; and, the neuronal substrate 
responsible for self-regulation. Classes consist of instructor-lead discussions of the assigned 
reading material for the week. Currently, they are held on Satudays and last for 90 minutes to 2 


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hrs. depending on the complexity of the material and the depth of the questions. Holding class on 
the weekend allows course students to maintain their full-time practices or jobs. Help is available 
during the week via phone or email to the instructor at:

. Student 

participation during the discussions is highly encouraged and leads to a greater understanding of 
the assigned reading material.


1. To provide clients with a basic understanding of the anatomy and physiology of 

the CNS and PNS relevant to their professional duties.

2. To describe the dynamic nature of  neuronal systems: e.g. sensory, motor, 

auditory, visual, etc.

3. To explain the basis  of the symptoms that result from  trauma and disease.

4. To present and describe some of the most recent advances in the neurosciences 

and future directions in research.

DISCLAIMER: Completion of this continuing education course is strictly for educational / 
informational purposes and does not imply competency, proficiency, and/or experience. The 
course completion certificate is not a clinical certification nor a license to practice. 

Required Texts
1.) Kolb, B and IO Whishaw. Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology. 6th ed., 
Worth Pub, NY, 2003. There is accompaying website with multiple choice questions for 
assessing your understanding of the course material.

    2,)  Purves, D and 6 co-editors. Neuroscience. 4th ed., Sinauer Associates, Inc, 
Sunderland MA, 2008. This text is used by several human medical schools and contains 
an atlas of the human central nervous system. Included with purchase of the book, there 
is an  accompanying Sinauer website that has chapter summaries, animations, online 
quizzes and flashcards; as well as Sylvius 4, an interactive atlas and visual glossary.


Accessing course materials: All course materials are available on the course web site. When 
you purchase the course, you will be given instructions for accessing the course web site 

Computer and Computer Knowledge Requirements:  Anybody with a modern computer and 
a bit of basic understanding of computer operation (at the level of being able to send e-mails) can 
play this course with minimal problems. You must have a computer (a) capable of connecting to 
the internet and running a typical internet program, (b) containing/running a modern word 
processor such as Microsoft word or Word Perfect, (c) the capability to play sounds such as 
music (has speakers and appropriate software which normally come with any modern computer), 


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and (d) a slide viewing program such as Power Point (you can probably get a slide viewing 
program free off the internet if you don’t have one). Any modern (e.g., built within the last ten 
years), IBM style computer running Windows 98 and more recent platforms (e.g., XP or 
Windows 8) should be able to do this. Speed, hard disk size, and RAM are not factors for 
computers in the above category.

 Dozens of students have used recent Apple products (MACs etc.) for the course however 

they frequently have more difficulty playing the course materials than PC users do.
If you are using a MAC type of computer, you must have a current version of “quicktime”. If 
you do not have it, you can download it for free from the web.

Methods of Evaluation and Grading

To pass this course, you must complete the following:

1. Complete the review questions for each chapter in Purves & Kolb/Whishaw (which are 

posted by the publishers on their websites) and e-mail them to me. I will review your 
answers and respond so we can discuss and then you can correct any problems. All 
answers must be corrected or discussed. 

2. Present a one hour “Power Point” based discussion of any topic within the course which 

you and I agree upon.

3. Participate in the web based class discussions.


The course is taught by Gerald Kozlowski, PhD.  Dr. Kozlowski received his Ph.D. 

from the University of Illinois in 1970. His work history includes Physiology; Teaching Fellow, 
University of Rochester (1971 – 1973); Assistant and Associate Professor of Anatomy & 
Physiology, Colorado State University (1973 – 1976); Associate Professor of Anatomy & 
Physiology & Biophysics, Colorado State University (1976 – 1978); Associate Professor of 
Neurobiology and Anatomy, University of Texas, Health Science Center at Houston (1978 – 
1980); Associate Professor of Physiology, University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center at 
Dallas (1980 – 1998); Full Faculty Member, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, 
University of Texas, Southwestern Medical School (1980 – 1998); Senior Lecturer of 
Department of Cognition and Neurosciences, University of Texas at Dallas (1998 – current). Dr. 
Kozlowski publishes widely in applied psychophysiology.

Topic Outline:

1. Part I, Background: Chap 1 (The Development of Neuropsychology) and Chap 2 

(Origins of the Human Brain and Behavior)

2. Chap 3 (Organization of the Nervous System) and Chap 4 (The Structure and 

Electrical Activity of Neurons)


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3. Chap 5 ( Communication Between Neurons), Chap 6 (The Influence of Drugs on 

Behavior) and Chap 7 (Imaging the Brain’s Activity)

4. Part II, Cortical Organization: Chap 8 (Orgainzation of the Sensory Systems) and 

Chap 9 Organization of the Motor Sytem).

5. Chap 10 (Principles of Neocortical Function), Chap 11 (Cerebral Asymmetry) and 

Chap 12 (Variations in Cerebral Asymmetry)

6. Part III, Cortical Functions: Chap 13 (The Occipital Lobes), Chap 14 (The Parietal 

Lobes) and Chap 15 (The Temporal Lobes)

7. Chap 16 (The Frontal Lobes) and Chap 17 (Disconnection Sydromes)

8. Part IV, Higher Functions: Chap 18 (Memory), Chap 19 (The Origins of Language) 

and Chap 20 (Emotion)

9. Chap 21 (Spatial Behavior) and Chap 22 (Attention, Mental Images and 


10. Part V, Plasticity and Disorders: Chap 23 (Brain Development and Plasticity), Chap 

24 (Developmental Disorders) and Chap 25 (Plasticity, Recovery, and Rehabilitation 
of the Adult Brain)

11. Chap 26 (Neurological Disorders) and Chap 27 (Psychiatric and Related Disorders)

12. Chap 28 (Neuropsychological Assessment)

When all requirements have been successfully completed, your course completion certificate will 
be e-mailed to you and BCIA will be informed that you completed the course. 

Administrative Information


 You can start the course whenever wish to within six months of the purchase date 

and work at your own pace as long as you complete the course within one year of purchase.

Duration of course validity: You must begin the course within six months of the purchase 

date and complete it within one year of the purchase date. Courses not completed by that time are 
void and must be repurchased if still available. No refunds are provided for courses not 
completed within one year of purchase. 

CE Credit


 Saybrook University is regionally accredited and approved by the state of California to grant 

degrees. These are continuing education, not university accredited, courses. CE credits are given through 
(1) the state of California’s Board of Behavioral Sciences (Approval # PCE1895); (2) The National Board 
of Certified Counselors (Provider # 6270), and (3) the Behavioral Medicine R&T Foundation is approved 
by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The 
Foundation maintains responsibility for this program and its content.


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Saybrook University is regionally accredited and approved to grant degrees by the state of California.



This course is accepted by the Biofeedback Certification International Alliance for both 

certification and recertification.

Purchasing courses: Courses can be purchased from Biofeedback International Resources

by clicking the Buy Me button for the specific course HERE.

Full refund will be made until the students are given access to the course website.

After getting access to the course website, there is no refund at all, as Saybrook University and the

Foundation have committed their resources to you and you have access to all of the course materials.

A course would only be cancelled due to an extreme emergency on the part of the course instructor or

the Foundation. In the highly unlikely event a course is cancelled, you would receive a full refund.

Scholarships:  Saybrook University and the Foundation give 


consisting of 

25% off the cost of the course(s) to (a) students and professionals (e.g. clinicians, coaches, teachers) 
from emerging nations and (b) full time graduate students in developed nations.

Course updates: Updates to all courses are placed on the course web site as they are made. 
Students are informed when updates are available.