phone: 1-877-669-6463 ..... 914-762-4646

Additional Training

Training Dates and Locations

Continuing Education Credit Available
Health Training Seminars, a division of Biofeedback Resources International is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Health Training Seminars maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
BCIA Certification Requirements

A good link for Travel Arrangements

Biofeedback Bootcamp    (click for more info)
BCIA Preparatory PowerPoint Course    (click for more info)
Psychopharmacology (online didactic course)
Price: $125 #BIOPHARMC

You may pay $125 to your vendor for this online course. You will need to purchase Advokat and colleagues' Julien's Primer of Drug Use (13th ed.). This textbook may be available for rental from vendors like

After receipt of an order from your vendor, we will provide you with a username, password, and exam password for its Blackboard CourseSites.

Cancellation Policy
Your vendor will offer full refunds until you first access this course on Blackboard CourseSites.

Didactic coverage
This online course is comparable in coverage to a 3-credit-hour undergraduate course. To keep its cost low, this course does not provide AMA or APA continuing education credits. We will provide you with a certificate of completion when you complete all 17 chapter exams.

Psychopharmacology $ 125.00
Biosource Software offers a self-paced BCIA-accredited Psychopharmacology online didactic course for Biofeedback and Neurofeedback professionals. You may use this course to satisfy 45 of 48 hours of continuing education for Biofeedback, Neurofeedback, or Pelvic Muscle Dysfunction Biofeedback recertification. At less than $3.00 per credit hour, this is one of the most affordable ways to complete almost all of the hours required for recertification.

Based on the leading Julien's Primer of Drug Action (13th ed.) textbook by Advokat, Comaty, and Julien, this course covers:

  1. The Neuron, Synaptic Transmission, and Neurotransmitters
  2. Pharmacokinetics
  3. Pharmacodynamics
  4. Epidemiology and Neurobiology of Addiction
  5. Ethyl Alcohol and Inhalants
  6. Stimulants: Caffeine and Nicotine
  7. Cocaine, Amphetamine, and Nonamphetamine Stimulants
  8. Psychedelic Drugs
  9. Cannabis
  10. Opioid Drugs
  11. Antipsychotic Drugs
  12. Antidepressant Drugs
  13. Sedative-Hypnotic and Anxiolytic Drugs
  14. Drugs Used to Treat Bipolar Disorder
  15. Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology
  16. Geriatric Psychopharmacology
  17. Challenging Times for Mental Health

Schedule and format
After you enroll in this online course, you must complete it within 1 year of purchase. You can decide when you start and complete this course.

You will purchase Advokat and colleagues' Julien's Primer of Drug Use (13th ed.), Worth (publisher), ISBN 978-1464111716, review the corresponding PowerPoints, and must pass 17 chapter exams with scores of 75% or higher. Each exam will consist of 20 multiple-choice taken on Blackboard CourseSites. You will have unlimited time to complete each exam. You may retake each exam until they achieve a passing score. After submitting answers, students will see an overall score and the questions you missed. You are encouraged to use the practice testing and animation resources on the publisher's website, check out the articles, podcasts, and videos in the Web Links section, and to regularly email the instructor with questions about course content.

We encourage you to use the study resources on the publisher's website, review the PowerPoints in Course Documents on Blackboard CourseSites, and check out the articles and videos in the Web Links section.

Faculty credentials
Fred Shaffer, PhD, BCB, Professor of Psychology at Truman State University, has taught Psychopharmacology for three decades.

Human Physiology (online didactic course)
Price: $125 #BIOPHYS

You may pay $125 to your vendor for this online course. You must obtain the Fox textbook, which may be available for rental from vendors like

After receipt of an order from your vendor, we will provide you with a username, password, and exam password for its Blackboard CourseSites.

Cancellation Policy
Your vendor will offer full refunds until you first access this course on Blackboard CourseSites.

Didactic coverage
This online course is comparable in coverage to a 3-credit-hour undergraduate course and will satisfy BCIA's biofeedback anatomy and physiology requirement. To keep its cost low, this course does not provide AMA or APA continuing education credits. We will provide you with a certificate of completion when you complete all 16 chapter exams.

Human Physiology $ 125.00
Biosource Software offers a self-paced Human Physiology online didactic course that fulfills BCIA's Human Anatomy and Physiology requirement for Biofeedback Certification.

You may also use this course to satisfy 45 of 48 hours of continuing education for Biofeedback or Neurofeedback recertification. At less than $3.00 per credit hour, this is one of the most affordable ways to complete almost all of the hours required for recertification.

Based on the leading Human Physiology (13th ed.) textbook by Fox, this course covers:

  • Chapter 1: The Study of Body Function
  • Chapter 3: Cell Structure and Genetic Control
  • Chapter 7: The Nervous System: Neurons and Synapses
  • Chapter 8: The Central Nervous System
  • Chapter 9: The Autonomic Nervous System
  • Chapter 10: Sensory Physiology
  • Chapter 11: Endocrine Glands: Secretion and Action of Hormones
  • Chapter 12: Muscle: Mechanisms of Contraction and Neural Control
  • Chapter 13: Blood, Heart and Circulation
  • Chapter 14: Cardiac Output, Blood Flow, and Blood Pressure
  • Chapter 15: The Immune System Disorders
  • Chapter 16: Respiratory Physiology
  • Chapter 17: Physiology of the Kidneys
  • Chapter 18: The Digestive System
  • Chapter 19: Regulation and Metabolism
  • Chapter 20: Reproduction

Schedule and format
After you enroll in this online course, you must complete it within 1 year of purchase. You can decide when you start and complete this course.

You will purchase or rent Human Physiology (13th ed.), McGraw-Hill (publisher), ISBN 978-0073403625, review the corresponding PowerPoints, and must pass 16 chapter exams with scores of 75% or higher. Each exam will consist of 20 multiple-choice questions taken on Blackboard CourseSites. You will have unlimited time to complete each exam. You may retake each exam until you achieve a passing score. After submitting answers, you will see an overall score and the questions they missed.

We encourage you to use the practice testing and animation resources on the publisher's website, review the PowerPoints in Course Documents on Blackboard CourseSites, and check out the articles and videos in the Web

Faculty credentials
Fred Shaffer, PhD, BCB, Professor of Psychology at Truman State University, has taught Biofeedback and Physiological Psychology for three decades.

Physiological Psychology (online didactic course)
Price: $125 #BIOPSYC

You may pay $125 to your vendor for this online course. You will need to purchase Breedlove and Watson's Biological Psychology (7th edition). This textbook may be available for rental from vendors like

After receipt of an order from your vendor, we will provide you with a username, password, and exam password for its Blackboard CourseSites.

Cancellation Policy
Your vendor will offer full refunds until you first access this course on Blackboard CourseSites.

Didactic coverage
This online course is comparable in coverage to a 3-credit-hour undergraduate course and will satisfy BCIA's neurofeedback anatomy and physiology requirement. To keep its cost low, this course does not provide AMA or APA continuing education credits. We will provide you with a certificate of completion when you complete all 14 chapter exams.

Physiological Psychology $ 125.00
Biosource Software offers a self-paced Physiological Psychology online didactic course that fulfills BCIA's Human Anatomy and Physiology requirement for Neurofeedback Certification.

You may also use this course to satisfy 45 of 48 hours of continuing education for Biofeedback or Neurofeedback recertification. At less than $3.00 per credit hour, this is one of the most affordable ways to complete almost all of the hours required for recertification.

Based on the leading Biological Psychology (7th ed.) textbook by Breedlove and Watson, this course covers:

  1. Functional Neuroanatomy (Chapter 2)
  2. The Generation, Transmission, and Integration of Neural Signals (Chapter 3)
  3. Neurotransmitters and Neuropharmacology (Chapter 4)
  4. Hormones and the Brain (Chapter 5)
  5. Life-Span Development of the Brain and Behavior (Chapter 7)
  6. General Principles of Sensory Processing, Touch, and Pain (Chapter 8)
  7. Hearing, Vestibular Perception, Taste, and Smell (Chapter 9)
  8. Vision: From Eye to Brain (Chapter 10)
  9. Motor Control and Plasticity (Chapter 11)
  10. Biological Rhythms, Sleep, and Dreaming (Chapter 14)
  11. Emotions, Aggression, and Stress (Chapter 15)
  12. Psychopathology: Biological Basis of Behavioral Disorders (Chapter 16)
  13. Learning and Memory (Chapter 17)
  14. Attention and Higher Cognition (Chapter 18)

Schedule and format
After you enroll in this online course, you must complete it within 1 year of purchase. You can decide when you start and complete this course.

You will purchase or rent Breedlove's Biological Psychology (7th ed.), Sinauer (publisher), ISBN 978-0-60535-170-4, review the corresponding PowerPoints, and must pass 14 chapter exams with scores of 75% or higher. Each exam will consist of 20 multiple-choice questions taken on Blackboard CourseSites. You will have unlimited time to complete each exam. You may retake each exam until you achieve a passing score. After submitting answers, you will see an overall score and the questions they missed.

We encourage you to use the practice testing and animation resources on the publisher's website, review the PowerPoints in Course Documents on Blackboard CourseSites, and check out the articles and videos in the Web Links section.

Faculty credentials
The course is taught by Fred Shaffer, PhD, BCB, Professor of Psychology at Truman State University, who has taught Physiological Psychology for three decades.

Behavioral Medicine Research and Training Foundation
(home study courses)    (click for more info)
The Foundation was established in January, 2000 as a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of research and education in clinical behavioral medicine.

Home study courses in Biofeedback and related courses are offered. Courses are designed to meet the requirement for biofeedback certification via the BCIA and also offer CE credits.

The services are for clinicians, coaches, educators, and academic research professionals who want to incorporate biofeedback and applied psychophysiology into their practices.

Home study courses offered are:
  • Ethics for Biofeedback Providers
  • General Biofeedback/Psychophysiological assessment & intervention
  • Anatomy and physiology/human biology for behavioral clinicians
  • Basic EEG Biofeedback/neurofeedback
  • Pain Assessment & Intervention for Behavioral Clinicians
  • Behavioral Assessment & Treatment of Pelvic Floor Disorders
  • Hypnosis in psychophysiology
  • Neuropsychophysiology
  • Neuromuscular Reeducation in Biofeedback
  • Biological basis of behavior/Introduction to psychophysiology
  • Research Techniques for Clinicians
  • Introduction to Behavioral & Alternative Medicine
For more information click here
Thought Technology ProComp Infiniti Workshops    (click for more info)
Biofeedback Foundation of Europe (BFE)    (click for more info)