Neurofeedback Training in Florida

Florida is an important place for neurofeedback.  It is the home of the Florida Biofeedback Society which is based in Boynton Beach, Florida.  This is one of the most active biofeedback organizations in the nation.  It is a resource for potential clients looking for biofeedback and neurofeedback providers.  The website is  They also have workshops where providers can receive training and continuing education credit.  The Florida Biofeedback Society offers a membership that includes a subscription to its Florida Biofeedback publication, networking opportunities, as well as other perks.

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Neurofeedback Training for Concussions

Concussions happen in many ways including sports and motor vehicle accidents, slip and falls, military blast injuries, and physical assaults.  Effective treatment methods are limited.  Because a concussion involves an injury to the brain, it makes sense that therapies should involve the brain.  Neurofeedback training is a therapy that helps to regulate dysfunctional activity in the brain that might be causing symptoms.

When the brain operates it produces electric impulses that can be measured by neurofeedback instruments.  These instruments then display the information from various parts of the brain.  If the information shows that the brain is not functioning normally, the software can encourage the brain to go back to functioning in a more effective way.  With this neurofeedback training symptoms tend to resolve.

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