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About Biofeedback

Books, Audio, and Video Aids

As aids in the use and understanding of biofeedback, you may wish to click on the following links and peruse the materials we offer in these areas: books, CDs, audio, and videos.

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How-To Books
Here are a few offerings in our store of books designed as tutorial and instructional books in the field of biofeedback:

Book: BIOFEEDBACK - A PRACTITIONER'S GUIDE Schwartz & Assoc - The definitive text in the field, this comprehensive volume provides state-of-the-science coverage of biofeedback research, applications, clinical procedures, and biomedical instrumentation. With contributions from leading experts, the volume offers a unique combination of practical know-how and scholarly expertise. A wealth of information is presented in an accessible, streamlined style, including helpful glossaries throughout. Featured are detailed protocols for helping patients cultivate lower physiological arousal and for addressing an array of specific clinical problems: headaches, temporomandibular disorders, Raynaud's disease, essential hypertension, neuromuscular problems, elimination disorders, and much more.

Book: THE NEUROFEEDBACK BOOK Michael and Lynda Thompson - This book is written to assist you in understanding the basis of neurofeedback and the fundamentals of how to do EEG biofeedback. Note from the outset that we do not yet know the precise mechanisms by which EEG biofeedback works. Ours is an empirical field based on observed outcomes.


Book: INTRODUCTION TO QUANTITATIVE EEG AND NEUROFEEDBACK James R. Evans & Andrew Abarbanel ed. - An ideal tool for practicing clinicians and clinical psychologists in independent practice and hospital settings, this book provides an introduction to neurofeedback/neurotherapy techniques.


Software: BIOFEEDBACK TUTOR Biofeedback Tutor 2014 is one of 10 core references for the Biofeedback Certification International Alliance (BCIA) Biofeedback certification exam. This product provides a current and comprehensive review of biofeedback for BCIA certification preparation and professional education.

Biofeedback Tutor contains 26 professionally-illustrated tutorials, supported by over 70 video segments and animations, and covers over 875 learning objectives that you can view with your web browser. You can also assess your learning by taking 10-question multiple-choice tests designed for each tutorial over the internet. These questions are updated every quarter.

You may purchase this product in digital download. Biofeedback Tutor runs on all Windows operating systems and Mac OS X using your web browser.